Tag: el blanco

DC Offset 8K

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This was our contribution to the 8K intro competition at Revision 2021, where it placed 2nd. It is the first production using our experimental GPU-synth. I wanted to see if a synth in the same language as the visuals would compress better and ultimately be smaller than the usual softsynths (Clinkster/4Klang). Unfortunately, you can’t really do an apples to apples comparison by implementing half a synth, or even 80% of one. And I’m not that interested in synths, VSTi’s etc etc, so this took a long time. This intro gave the final motivational push to finish it. We ran in the usual last-days bugs, sleepless nights, asking the organizers to extend the deadline etc… so it’s not as polished as we had hoped. Still, we learned a lot, and had fun making this!

Pouet page: https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=88658

Download the intro: https://files.scene.org/view/parties/2021/revision21/pc-8k-intro/dc_offset_by_fulcrum_%28synth_fix%29.zip

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwRqysVSAwA

Party At Spencer’s

So, after almost 7 years, we made a demo again! Slightly hurried, but we wanted to support the American demoscene at Demosplah 2018, where we placed 2nd in the Modern democompo.

Get the demo here: Party At Spencers by Fulcrum final

Binary Parasites 4K

Here is our entry for the Revision 2018 4 Kilobyte intro competition. It placed 7th out of 18 entries, a bit lower than I had hoped for, but the level of comperition was once again very high.

Download it here: Binary Parasites by Fulcrum

If you don’t have a fairly high-level videocard, you can watch a video capture on YouTube.

In The Grim Future 8K

This is our contribution to the Revision 2016 8K intro competition, it placed 6th out of 11. Be warned that it needs a extremely fast video card, and it has an extremely long shader compilation time on Nvidia cards (5 minutes on a slow laptop), although tjhat is only the first time you run it, then it is in the shader cache. On AMD, it’s less extreme but still close to a minute.

Download the executable here: In The Grim Future by Fulcrum

Watch it on YouTube here

Through Children’s Eyes (big mix)

There’s a long story behind this, but the tl;dr is, this is a remix version of a very old tune I did, had a hard drive crash and lost the remix and had this mp3 version of the tune. Never released it. I’m releasing it now. Enjoy!

Through Children’s Eyes (big mix)

Solar Prominence (soundtrack)

The soundtrack to the Solar Prominence 4k intro.

Solar Prominence 4k Soundtrack

Frozen Light 4K

4KShader_1360x768 2013-12-28 10-58-56-69Here is Frozen Light, our quick 4K contribution to TUM 2013! Featuring raymarched procedural snowflakes and a nice Tchaikovsky-inspired soundtrack.
Download the archive: Frozen Light by Fulcrum

Lander 4K


A little 4K announcement, which placed first at the combined intro/demo compo at Rewired 2013. This is the fixed version, it should work on AMD and Nvidia cards.

Download it here: Lander4K_by_Fulcrum

You can also see it on YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWXXdFOeLf8

Solar Prominence 4K

Solar Prominence screenshot
This was our remote entry for the Rewired 2012 demoparty. Despite being made in a hurry, it managed to place first in the combined intro/demo compo.

You can download it here:

You can also watch a youtube version here, but notice that the quality isn’t remotely as good as the realtime visuals.

Schtrombloxke 4K

A small invitro for the Rewired 2012 demoparty in Belgium. It was released at @party 2012 in Boston, USA.

Get the file:
Schtrombloxke 4K, with nvidia fix